Our newsletters are designed to be a helpful gauge into market predictions, history and current events. It will contain in-depth analysis of key stocks and why our strategy works for you. We will also display current company events, business direction, and testimonials.

Our Talent15 University is designed for the new trader. We break down key elements, indicators, lingo, and graphs into easily understandable step-by-step videos.
Along with our videos is an optional assessment exam of what you just learned with the ultimate goal to graduate the university and be able to make the correct calls consistently.

It's important to bounce ideas off of one another. Based on in-depth research and news, multiple people may find different reasons to buy, avoid, or short a stock. Sharing information in this community is the backbone of success. Knowledge is power in the stock market.
Our forums are designed to be safe and are constantly moderated.
Our Goals

Giving Back
We wouldn't be where we are without the help from others.
Our biggest goal is to give back to the community. Each one of us has been helped by the kindness of a mentor to be successful in this field. Most of us have come from difficult financial backgrounds or circumstances but have been given the opportunity to be successful.
We want to return that kindness and currently support several causes.

Safe to Share
We are a Christian based company and want this to be a safe place for all ages and ethnicities.
We have traders from 10-80 years old as part of this community. We want everyone to feel equally welcome and appreciated.